New Price. Estate Sale. The subject property is comprised of two parcels shown on Tax Map 97(305A S. Marlyn Ave.) is as parcel 255 (5.873-ac) Front of the Lot is Zoned RO, Zoned DR 5.5. There are 2 houses at 305A. First house currently has, 3 apartments 3-Meters. Back house has one apartment. All ReHab Potential. All Vacant.(407A S.Marlyn) is parcel 848 (2.817-ac) 407 S. Marlyn (different Tax Id and separate listing) Value in the land. Lot currently has a single family dwelling Vacant. Front of this Lot is zoned BL and DR. Both Lots total 8,69 acres. Both Parcels have frontage along S. Marlyn Ave.. Parcel 255 is also known as LOT 3 on the Howard J. Salvo Subdivision Plat recorded amoung the land records of Baltimore County as S.M. 77, Folio 140. Both Parcels are shown on a map in the disclosures. There are 4 parcels, under separate ownership, located between the subject parcels along S. Marlyn, which contain existing and ongoing commercial business.